11. November 2016 | 09:00 | Kategorie:

Buchtipp: International Perspectives on Destination Management and Tourist Experiences

In der Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Management und Tourismus (IMT) ist aktuell ein englischsprachiger Sammelband mit dem Titel „International Perspectives on Destination Management and Tourist Experiences“ erschienen. Die Herausgeber Michael Lück, Jarmo Ritalahti und Alexander Scherer haben dabei die Erkenntnisse des International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT) zusammengefasst:

„ICNT’s fourth book offers insights of tourism experts with a wide range of interest and expertise on the way tourism is understood and worked in different countries around the world. The first part of this volume focuses on factors influencing the management of tourism destinations, including competition, controlling, and marketing. An in-depth view into tourist experiences is offered in the second part, with examples ranging from volcano tourism to national park and wildlife tourism, and gastronomic experiences.“ (c) IMT

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(c) IMT / Peter Lang


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