31. Januar 2013 | 17:15 | Kategorie:
The customer is not always right
Wer zum Fasching (noch) nichts zum Lachen hatte, soll sich http://notalwaysright.com/tag/hotel ansehen.
Ein Beispiel:
(A hotel guest called down for seven extra towels the night before. I see her leaving the hotel with beach towels and several of ours stuffed in between.)
Me: „Ma’am…excuse me, ma’am! I think you’ve mistakenly grabbed a few of our towels.“
Guest: „No, I haven ‚t!“
Me: „Yes, ma’am, you have. I can see a few with our emblem on them.“
Guest: „Oh, no! Those are from last time we were here!“
Me: „Oh….well it was very thougtful of you to come all this way to return them!“
(Defeated, she hands me the towels.)
Guest: „It’s not like you dont’t have any extras!“